what's the story here, you might ask yourself? Well, from September copyright until August 2001 we (Niels and Lon) will roam planet earth to check if what they tell us on Discovery Channel is true or not.
Normally we're not so exhibitionistic, but hey, since we're off for a year, we thought, let's stick a picture online so you have an idea what you're reading about.
Anyway, we're just 2 normal "kids" from Holland, always been interested to see the world and decided to leave the good life we live behind, pack our bags and head off into sunset on of the coolest or, most stupid journeys of our lifes...either way, it is somethying we've always wanted to do.
As to be expected, we postponed actual trip-planning to the last minute, which resulted a pretty hectic 2 weeks before take-off, including 5 shots in one week...aaaahg! :-)